Saturday, January 30, 2016
Michael Jordan is a basketball superstar. He won his fifth NBA finals most valuable player Michael Jordan was awarded in 1997. Michael Jordan played with the Chicago Bulls. Millions of fans watch on T.V. Basketball is a fast- moving sport. If you played for the NBA you might run three miles in forty-eight-minute game.The ball is a blur as you dribble it past a defender. Will you pass? Or charge the basket for a soaring slam dunk? Michael Jordan shows the slam bang style that helped the Chicago Bulls win the 1997 championship. Conferences compete for the championship crown. Just like Michael Jordan has. (This information was written by Virginia Schomp in her book titled "If You Were a .... Ballplayer" 1999).
Friday, January 29, 2016
Flowers are pretty and really neat to look at. I enjoy looking at the flowers because if you have a hard time flowers will make you happy. Flowers have different colors. You did not know that flowers are really relaxing and help you to get peaceful and calm. Flowers need to grow just like us. Flowers are important to us. Because again I said it helps you to get peaceful and calm and relaxed. If that happens you will be asleep because you might rather to get a hammock that will get you way much sleep. You will be up if you see a bunch of flowers. Flowers are really fun and to look at it in awe. As we know flowers are way so good to look after you plant it.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Ice cream cake
I enjoy having ice cream cake because it is now my new favorite and I enjoy it. Ice cream cake is really good and it is very good for me. This is how I really enjoy having ice cream cake. This is how to make Oreo ice cream cake. I heard ice cream cake is really popular and here is a hint for me there is no way for me to have ice cream cake because it is temptation. I can't stop have ice cream cake really I can't. You need to understand this. If you do you will be hungry and say oh so that is ice cream cake. I can't believe how I am into this is because I will have ice cream cake again for my birthday. I will become 15 this year in March. I will have a wonderful year and to all of you because you are really nice to me and having too much time with you and I will have lots of fun. I will have a special time and just go along with all of I can. I will realize that I will have a great day and wonderful time of all the times.
Ice cream cake.
Chocolate ice cream cake.
Ice cream cake. | |
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
My haircut / Fashion
Today I had my haircut so we made my hair pretty. I thought I looked weird but not anymore. I am a fashion statement. I love fashion because I'm just that way. I like to wear fashion clothes like any of my clothes. Fashion is who I am. I am matching my clothes and I just have fun with it and I have lots of fun all the time with my clothes forever and ever. My hair is now short and I like that. Fashion is my thing and I love fashion. Everyday I will be a fashion model because fashion is my favorite thing in me. You do not know I do enjoy fashion and to be fashion all in my life. If you know I will be a fashion model and a fashion designer because fashion is my all part time that I want to be a fashion girl. Just who I want to be just like a girl I want to become a fashion designer is to become one. All my wishes are coming to me and to become a fashion designer. I love all the things I do with the fashion things I could do with all the time. All this time.
Fashion is my wonderful thing I enjoy doing and I even do it right now can you ever manage that? Everything in me is full of fun and I just go along with it and to get the beat going to my heart. My fashion is pretty fun and going to lots of tips going through that nice and easy at all at once. Fashion is my other favorite word. My other favorite word is spectacular like say twinkling stars in the night time. Everything is so spectacular to me.
Fashion is my wonderful thing I enjoy doing and I even do it right now can you ever manage that? Everything in me is full of fun and I just go along with it and to get the beat going to my heart. My fashion is pretty fun and going to lots of tips going through that nice and easy at all at once. Fashion is my other favorite word. My other favorite word is spectacular like say twinkling stars in the night time. Everything is so spectacular to me.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
I do enjoy watching Frozen because it is really fun to watch. I watch Frozen all the time. I feel really relaxed awhile I am watching Frozen. This funny snowman is named Olaf. He always said when somebody greets him he says hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. Olaf is one day old. Some think that he is a newborn. I have Olaf pillow even though I sleep with him on some nights not to often. There is another Frozen coming out. It is called Frozen Fever or Frozen 2. It's the same thing. Elsa was born with ice powers this means that Elsa and Anna can play together. Like make a snowman, skiing and sledding. Hans is a trickster. There is an ice harvester named Kristoff he is really nice to princess Anna. Sven is a reindeer he helps Kristoff. Kristoff and Sven are best friends.
Here is a picture of Frozen in the movie.
Here is Queen Elsa with her sister Princess Anna.
Here is a picture of Frozen in the movie.
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Monday, January 25, 2016
I love strawberries they are so sweet. Strawberries are yummy and so good for you. As you think you could plant strawberries. But you need to be extra careful with each strawberry as you plant one. Strawberries are my favorite because they are a fruit and it is way really good for you. You need to try strawberries if you like it or if you don't like strawberries try them to see if you like it.
Sweet yummy strrawberries.
Strawberry cake.
Enjoy. |
Sweet yummy strrawberries.
Strawberry cake.
Enjoy. |
Sunday, January 24, 2016
All the things that you should know about horses
Today I was reading about horses. I used to ride a horse named Pogo. I was really young when I first ride on the horse. Horses are my favorite because we need to groom horses and help them to find shelter. Also horses are really important to us because we need horses to get big and strong. Horses eat hay. Horses can eat hay everyday. Horses need to be clean and shiny before they get their exercise. This means we need to help horses to get big and strong with their muscles just like us.
Here is a horse jumping.
Horse getting clean.
Here is a horse jumping. |
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Saturday, January 23, 2016
Rain is an another precipatation. I heard rain is good for you. I love the rain it is so much fun just to look at it in awe. If you look outside you will see it has been raining. Rain can help the plants. This is why rain can help the plants and including us. Also rain can help the flowers as far as we know. After the rain stops you can go outside and splash in the puddles and that will be lots of fun. If the rain has not stoped you are stuck inside for awhile. I heard if it is still raining outside you can play a game if you wanted to. If not you could read of do a puzzle or color. I would chose singing. Since that is my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. This is one with thunder.
Having fun in the puddles.
Having fun in the puddles.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Today when I first got home after school I did my workout for today. I am doing more today. This is helping me and having a great way to spend my day of doing my workout. We just bought our mini stepper just a couple days ago. We enjoy having our mini stepper with us. Today's workout was jumping on the trampoline and the mini stepper that was really fun. I am really busy of doing my daily workout. I love to swim. Swimming is also another workout as well. I swim over at the YMCA. Swimming is really fun and a great way to spend your day as well. Exercise is really fun and also kinda hard when you get to the point. The key of doing a daily workout is having fun and going to swim. At the YMCA pool it is really cold when you get in there. It could had happened in the summer time if you wanted to. The song what I picked is Overcomer. This song reminded me of doing your daily workout as you are doing it. You an overcomer as what God has for you to be an overcomer.
Enjoy this video. Exercise is healthy for you.
Enjoy this video. Exercise is healthy for you.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
I Enjoy Singing
I love to sing. Because it is really fun to sing. Singing is my favorite because I am talented singer. At church we sing all the time. We even worship God. I am a wonderful talented singer. My favorite songs are Roar, Happy, Breath of Heaven and Amazing Grace that I enjoy. Including Christmas songs. I can't stop singing. I am gifted when I am singing every song that I sing. You need me to sing for you. Because I am really talented singer. I do enjoy singing and I love to sing all the time. Everyday I sing. I am gifted. God has answered my prayers. There will be a day with no more pain and no more suffering there will be a day.
Enjoy the song. I am really talented singer.
Enjoy the song. I am really talented singer.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Flowers are beautiful. Flowers are everywhere. If you can see a pretty flower then pick it up. Bees can go from flower to flower. Bees collect pollen and nectar. After the bees get the pollen and the nectar the bees get honey. Honey is sweet. Also bees make honeycomb. Honeycomb is sweet if you want you can even taste the honey and the honeycomb. They are sweet tasting. It is so sweet for you. Bees are amazing creatures. Even the bees only have just one Queen. Bees even sting be careful with bees or they will sting you. You will not like it at all. |
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
One time I saw a windmill. We saw lots of windmills when I was young. We were going to Minnesota just for fun. If the wind comes the windmill will spin. You will love it there. Windmills are really fun to look at. But there is a tricky way to find windmills over at Minnesota. Windmills are really hard to find. But windmills are really high up. You could find Windmills at Minnesota if you can spot one.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Frogs are everywhere. Some frogs live in the city in water. All different kinds of frogs live in the country. There could be colors of frogs of different species of frogs. There are lots of frogs out there. There are tree frogs, Green frogs and there could be even more. But I can't tell you all of them. Frogs can be seen in the day time and in the night time as well.
Here are some frogs that we see today. |
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Sunday, January 17, 2016
After it stops raining outside we see a rainbow. Rainbows are pretty in the sky. If you are wondering you can not catch a rainbow. Rainbows are really hard to catch. Rainbows are really neat to look at if you can see a rainbow before it disappear on you. Rainbows are really important because in the bible about Noah. JESUS said I will bring a flood. So Noah build an ark to be safe like all of the animals in the ark. They need to wait for God's promise. God's promise was to never flood the world again. So God keeps his promise. So Noah worship God like we all do. God brings a rainbow to reminder to never flood again.
All about rainbows.
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Saturday, January 16, 2016
I love to rhyme all the time
I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. Those are are rhyming words. Like bump, stump, lump, and pump. I love to rhyme all the time. Sun, bun, and won. Also like red, Ted and led. bed.
You can rhyme anytime you want to. Rhyming is always is when you talk like this Bed, said and led. Rhyming is fun. If you can't say a rhyming word somebody can help you to find a rhyming word if you would like.
Enjoy rhyming everybody!!!
Rhyming song. You can even sing along.
You can rhyme anytime you want to. Rhyming is always is when you talk like this Bed, said and led. Rhyming is fun. If you can't say a rhyming word somebody can help you to find a rhyming word if you would like.
Enjoy rhyming everybody!!!
Rhyming song. You can even sing along. |
Friday, January 15, 2016
There are lots of colors. Even what we wear all day and everyday. If somebody says what is your favorite color? Somebody else can say what their favorite is and say to that person that oh I did not know that was your favorite color. Colors are everywhere and to what you are wearing right now is a piece of color. You can choose what you are wearing. Colors are important to all of us because we pick our own colors. Let's say a girl likes pink because that is her favorite color. There are lots of colors all around us.
I have three favorite colors. I can find only two colors. | |
Thursday, January 14, 2016
I do enjoy having smoothies. I have a smoothie every morning. You might think that's cold. Smoothies are what I have. I can't stop having those things. It's really good for you. And for all of us. You guys need to try to have a smoothie. Again wow you need to try one if you never tried one before. You will say so that is why it is pretty good smoothie. If you tell yourself.
This is a smoothie. We have this in the morning.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Zumba Exercise
After school today I did zumba. It was really fun. A lot of it was really hard for me to do. But I got the routine over with. You guys need to do zumba it is really fun and so good for you. If you want you can do zumba anyday you want. It could be in the morning if you need to do that in early morning. Zumba is a great workout for you. For me I was really sore of doing zumba today. My inner core was the same thing. My outer core was also the same as well as the other one did. Now I really love zumba. This is really important to me. Like for an example if you don't do anything at all you need to do zumba. Zumba is really special to me. Because if you're having a bad day you can also do zumba and that makes us way better. Here is Zumba Exercises for you to try. Good Morning!
Enjoy doing Zumba Exercises.
Enjoy doing Zumba Exercises.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
My sore legs
Today in P.E. we exercised my legs were really sore. I could not make it though during P.E. today.
Today was fitness day. That was really hard for me and my legs as well. But I did made it though all day. Till the afternoon it was done. My sore leg is all better now. I am walking normal like I was before. My leg is probably okay. It really hurts when I move my leg. I get used to my leg. But it's getting better. To walk again. Even I am moving my leg where it should to be healed right away.
Today was fitness day. That was really hard for me and my legs as well. But I did made it though all day. Till the afternoon it was done. My sore leg is all better now. I am walking normal like I was before. My leg is probably okay. It really hurts when I move my leg. I get used to my leg. But it's getting better. To walk again. Even I am moving my leg where it should to be healed right away.
Monday, January 11, 2016
I am learning about the weather. Anything like snow is a kind of weather. That I learning at school in science class. In science we need to see what is going to happen to the weather. And plants too.
Weather is way important to us because when it is raining outside the plants grow and when the rain stops the rainbow comes up. Also the plants grow. Weather is all around us everyday. Anyday is when weather comes. Weather can help us. If we need to shut our computers down to anything happens. Weather is on its way.
These are snow pictures that I took.
Weather is way important to us because when it is raining outside the plants grow and when the rain stops the rainbow comes up. Also the plants grow. Weather is all around us everyday. Anyday is when weather comes. Weather can help us. If we need to shut our computers down to anything happens. Weather is on its way.
These are snow pictures that I took.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Rock Cycle
There are so many kinds of rocks in the cycle. This is called the rock cycle. Rocks are different because in a rock cycle there are things about all the rocks that you should know about. As we know rocks are fun to look in a magnifying glass. Rocks are useful because rocks are really importnat to us . This is what I found. This song is about rocks for on rock cycle.
This a picture of a rock.
These are pepples.
This a picture of a rock.
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These are pepples.
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Saturday, January 9, 2016
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Friday, January 8, 2016
I play chess sometimes. Bobby Fischer had played chess. He is a grandmaster at chess. Bobby Fischer played in history. When he was young he first started playing chess. Bobby Fischer has books about him in his chess life. When he was 13 years old he won the brilliancy that became known as The Game of the Century. He was American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him the greatest. | |
Thursday, January 7, 2016
There a lot of colors of rocks. Rocks are really important because there are different kinds. Igneous rocks go with a volcano. When are volcano goes up it is really hot. It is also way big red when volcanoes start to erupt. Do not go near volcanoes. Rocks can be seen whenever you spot a rock you will know when you will see rocks. Sometimes if you don't see any rocks they are hidden all the things that you see today. | |
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
There are lots of dogs like little dogs. Dogs need exercise like we do. Dogs like to go fetch and it is really fun for them. Helps dogs to get exercise. Exercise is what we need and to give dogs more exercise like this.
- Set up obstacle courses
- Make your dog work for it's treats
- Get your dog on the treadmill
- Run your dog up and down the stairs
- Tug of war - but be aware of the risks
- Laser pointer
- Keep away and fetch
- Take a socialized outing
These are what dogs need to be to exercised is to be healthy. |
- Set up obstacle courses
- Make your dog work for it's treats
- Get your dog on the treadmill
- Run your dog up and down the stairs
- Tug of war - but be aware of the risks
- Laser pointer
- Keep away and fetch
- Take a socialized outing
These are what dogs need to be to exercised is to be healthy.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016
New trampoline
We just got a trampoline. My Mom got all the pieces for the trampoline. I was really excited to get on the trampoline. I was the tester of trying our new trampoline today. We order it on Amazon. This trampoline is really big. I never knew that this trampoline was so big after school today.
Here are some pictures of me jumping on the big trampoline that we bought.
Here are some pictures of me jumping on the big trampoline that we bought.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Polar Bear
Polar Bears live in the north pole. Polar Bears are warmblooded because they are mammals like us.
Up in the north pole it is very very ccold. Polar bears are fun types of mammals. Did you know that the north pole is below 0 degrees. You could not live in that kind of weather. You could just stay where you are now right inside the house and to get warm.
Up in the north pole it is very very ccold. Polar bears are fun types of mammals. Did you know that the north pole is below 0 degrees. You could not live in that kind of weather. You could just stay where you are now right inside the house and to get warm. | |
Sunday, January 3, 2016
When snow comes you see snowflakes. Snowflakes are hard to look at. You could even go outside and catch snowflakes in your mouth that will be really fun if you know how to catch snowflakes.
Snowflakes are pretty if you can see it. You could even try to see a snowflake but it is really hard. People would say snowflakes are really hard to see with their eyes. It is impossible to see a snowflake.
Snowflakes are pretty if you can see it. You could even try to see a snowflake but it is really hard. People would say snowflakes are really hard to see with their eyes. It is impossible to see a snowflake.
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Saturday, January 2, 2016
Birds can fly anywhere they want like up north. Some birds don't fly like a flamingo. Flamingos eat algae, Crustaceans, Brine shrimp, Diatoms, And aquatic plants. Birds are amazing creatures.
My favorite bird is a flamingo because they can stay up with only one foot.
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My favorite bird is a flamingo because they can stay up with only one foot. |
Friday, January 1, 2016
Recycling can help us. Just like bottles and pop cans. Anything like recycling we can reduce, reuse and recycle. Recycling can help the trees. This is a factory and all of it we recycle.
Here is a recycling plant. | |
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Today's Fun
My brother is home with us here in the Quad Cities from all the way from Tennessee and while he's here with us today's fun is playin...

I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. ...
I love ice cream and chocolates because it is really fun to have once in awhile. I do enjoy ice cream and chocolates. It's really fun to...
I love to dance because I have lots of fun because I am excited about it and I have fun in a peaceful and relaxing time all by myself. Danc...