Tuesday, May 1, 2018


As you see butterflies they are so amazing as the way they fly. Butterfly's lifecycle is made up of four parts, egg, larva :Caterpillars, pupa: chrysalis and adult. I really love butterflies. Did you know most caterpillars are plant eaters.  Butterflies attach their eggs to leaves with a special glue. Butterflies are also insects. This is why I really love butterflies.Butterflies is amazes everybody because is you get to see butterflies in the wild the more you discover just how butterflies fly. Love seeing butterflies everywhere. Butterflies can stay in warmer climates. They can be found in tropical and humid places like California, Hawaii, and Mexico. Butterflies could might impress you as you go out in the wild, and to realize just how amazing butterflies are in life.

This is in the wild. 


Here are butterflies up in the sky

Completed RISE & RISE Up

  After six semesters I graduated from my Early Childhood Education major as my concentration. I am officially completed RISE for two years ...