Saturday, July 27, 2019

Singing at the Freight House Farmer's Market

Today, I decided to show other people my passion for God to sing praises to glorify God. I believe everybody at the Market was overjoyed as I had taken my ministry of my ability of my special needs as I use them by the grace of God as they were feeling how much they are loved by God. For the first time a friend who I got introduced to who plays his electric guitar, so he had encouraged me to borrow his electric guitar, as I was playing with it, I got started to play songs in which what I know from Christian artists. I am pretty thankful as I had used my special talent to show other people as they were influenced for my passion I have for God. During the whole time as my thoughts were talking to each other God had made me realize as I had draw near close to Him in His presence, how much He is glorified how much as I get to use my talent to use it as for people to hear. As Romans 8:28 as we are reminded from... And we know that for those who love God all things work together, for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 

Monday, July 22, 2019


I remember when it was Saturday at Family Camp in Minnesota. For the first time one of my uncles had taught me how to kayak. I was a quick learner, as I had kayaked all by myself. I never had been kayaking before in my life, now I am really enjoying it most of the times, which I hope to kayak around with my family, my Mom, and my brother has never seen me kayaking, which I am hoping they will. I was also a quick listener as I have been able to do it all by myself. I also can't wait for my family to see how I get along with the kayaking ability which I think I am a grand master of it I will   present to show them how I got the courage to do it all by myself. Somehow I had been figuring out how to turn it which is hard to learn to steer it, which now I got the handle of it.

Completed RISE & RISE Up

  After six semesters I graduated from my Early Childhood Education major as my concentration. I am officially completed RISE for two years ...