I had a final exam I had today in this class. This has made me realize that the Lord has really blessed me. I thank God for having me to learn more from the Bible and to understand it. I am proud to say I love going to Church to engage what the Lord has for all of us. During my spring semester schedule I'll be taking Intro to Christian faith: Understanding & Application. As this is another step in my walk with the Lord as this is really has made an impact in my life. I would really like to thank my parents for helping my brother and I the best as they could learning about the Bible. It's so amazing and I thank the Lord. I have passed this class and I could not be much more proud in my spiritual life. I got a 90% I found this out on eLearn powered by Judson which has made me realize I have so many abilities and think of them besides my disability for it does not define who I am. I am a new creation.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Intro to Christian Bible (Update)
This week I had an exam in one of my classes in Intro to the Christian Bible. I didn't know how well I did until I found out later during this week (today). After class today I found out I got a 90%! This was really amazing to me which I thought this was unexpected with this passing grade. I've been learning very well also with my faith in the Lord while I'm taking this class. I'm getting the concept what this means to follow Christ to believe as much as possible. With the faith I have the Lord is working in my life I always thought understanding the Bible is understanding the Truth of life. I can only imagine what the Lord is doing in my life when I'm taking this class. I praise God, I thank God in everything I do in Jesus Name.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Culinary Skills (Cooking Class)
I've been learning a lot in my classes. Today I'll be talking about one of them. Today in class my classmates and I did this all by ourselves. In class we're learning about knife safety and also how to use the knife when cutting food items. Today was slicing and cutting vegetables. This was with celery, carrots, and cucumbers as all of this was really amazing. It was hard cutting carrots as by the fact I never did before. Half of our vegetables our class is using those vegetables into a vegetable soup this Thursday. Along side of this we're making biscuits along with the main dish. I'm getting lots of ways how to learn what it means to be careful in the kitchen when it comes to knife safety. I couldn't be more than proud how amazing I'm doing in class. I think I could see myself slicing and cutting with the knife back at home in the Quad Cities.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Off Campus Internship
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
2nd Year Approaching
I have completed my first year at Judson as I'm very proud what I do it's amazing as what God is doing as life goes on. What's amazing is I'll be returning as a 2nd year student as I believe the Lord is using a mighty work in my life going forward. 2nd year is pretty big for me and also my cohort friends as to the spring of 2023 graduating. It's unbelievable just the way what God has in store in life. As though I see God on campus as to wherever I go. I'll be returning to campus next weekend to start 2nd year. Becoming a 2nd year is more independent with lots of responsibilities however I think I can do it with all I have within me, also with the help would have. I have to be thankful for the many things what I have been capable of in the RISE Program. I have learned so much during my first year. Although I think becoming a 2nd year would make me realize how to learn to be independent with the fact how I reflect during my first year. As I believe 2nd year would be the main point of independence.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Exciting News To Share
Today I found out I am certified and I passed my class for Intro to Special Education 105. I received it from one of the RISE staff. It's unbelievable until I realized it today. I have come so far in my class but I have to admit I am very proud of myself as I should be. I am proudly to announce my certification. When I am very proud of my accomplishments I am very thankful what I'm doing in my classes because I give it all to the Lord in everything I do. I am very blessed because I'm doing this not for myself for it is by God's glory and by God's grace.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
JU Update / Fun day
Today was the new RISE students orientation and I was capable to introduce myself in addition talking about my experiences in the RISE Program during Brunch and I thought that was fun for me for the initiative for today. I met new students who have the same disability as I do, it was a joy, I think I'll like to be friends with them during the next school year. After Brunch today all of us went to the fitness center and we played games. There was (1) Soccer, (2) Basketball, (3) Hula Hoop, and (4) Volleyball. I had fun but unfortunately I was going through emotional feelings eventually I made it through, I was focusing on myself medically which I do not want to discriminate / sharing. Later on after we were done with all the games in the fitness center. We had a fun day outside because it was about in the 80s, I was walking around campus for quite sometime, in addition all of us played with sidewalk chalk because that brings me memories because I used to do that once I was young back at home in the Quad Cities. I had an amazing day and enjoyed it! Today's temperature kinda feels like summer.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Highlight for This Week
This week I had a mock interview and I thought I was nervous about it although I was capable to be comfortable in the mock interview. This was a practice interview that I did in addition I did well in my mock interview and I followed through what I understand. The interviewer who was interviewing me has a company that sells computers, in addition knowing about computers. Previously in class time in Vocational Development all of us we were working on resumes if someday maybe having a job interview in the future will need to make sure to bring two copies of the resume. In my resume I said I am interested in computers because I know how computers function. When I had my mock interview I was prepared because I dressed up professionally. I answered all the questions during the mock interview additionally I found out the mock interview was a success. I was glad about the mock interview.This is me, (Ally) showing an impression.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Happy Easter
We all remember when Jesus sacrificed His life for us because His love is unconditional. I believe in the truth in addition to that I want to extend that same grace to those people who may need to know the Gospel because that is where the truth is found. I would recommend starting in the book of John in the Bible and go from there because I believe the Lord can use you in the best way He can because He wants to have a relationship with you as long as you believe that He is the Lord the Messiah! As we all continue to celebrate Easter please take time with Jesus and start reading His Word, I do want to highlight just a couple John 3:16 and John 17:18-19. Jesus died on the cross for us to take our punishment and nail it to the cross because He had to for everybody's sins, then on the third day He is risen!! I can't say more than this because not everybody would believe in the Gospel, but to those believers I can say what Jesus said: "So whoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life, Jesus speaking so that someday you will be in Heaven."
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Nature Walking
This morning I went outside and it was amazing because I saw something like no other. I saw ripples, gushes, and sparkling no words can't express how to describe of water flowing through and it made me realize something about what love is, it's unconditional. I encountered this experience for the first time in my life so I believe in it because that is faith because I saw God even when I can't see. Along the way I saw leaf's scattered all around campus. I had an amazing encounter with the Lord this morning and I love it in addition I will always treasure it. I saw piles of wood circling around the water it was, if this is what I am really seeing I chose joy over anything else because I saw it through faith. No one could ever imagine this situation but it is God calling me and showing me what my faith can do to the real world and showing love to those people around me because I am showing I am a blessing to go in mission. When I was on my way back to my dorm room setting I could not believe it, I saw a couple of flowers blooming, spring arrived! Praise the name of Jesus He is here!
Friday, April 1, 2022
Getting The Job Going
I really like my internship because I want to continue to show how I have a strong work ethic in everything I do. I have been doing lots of tasks. (1) More computer work, (2) stuffing more mail, (3) Adding labels for any projects I have worked on for stuffing mail to the envelopes, and (4) Label writing on the envelopes for returning addresses. Oftentimes or all the time I show a lot of determination with my impression during my internship on campus at Judson. I had investigated I am a visual learner when I am working and I do know that. My experience in the Advancement office is just like when I am confident because I am able to work for each and every task I have, it's incredible. I am reliable, I am always trustworthy, I use my advocacy skills, I am able to bring the joy of the Lord to the real world, I use my time management with being punctual, and I never give up even when I have challenging times and I believe the Lord can always help me.
Monday, March 7, 2022
Spring Break
This week I am on spring break because I can be able to be with my family in addition having plenty of rest. I was glad to be back home in the Quad Cities because this week is exciting and fun because my birthday is coming up and I'm really looking forward to it. It's weird for me to think about it because I'll be turning 21 this year. I wanted to have plenty of rest during spring break because I am trying to recover nicely from midterms last week. I'll be coming back on campus on my birthday "March 13th". I have a week off from having classes but however I do enjoy the work I do at the RISE Program. It is very nice to be around my parents when I am on any break prior to classes and or any specific holidays from classes because we always have a good time together when I am home in the Quad Cities.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Surprising News
Today is the day I turned my midterm assignment to my professor in class today and I found out I had no intention about this even the midterm assignment in Special Ed 105 is pretty hard. Results show I passed!!! I got an A+. Today is a special day for me even class this morning was very hard content which I'm not going to share because I do not want to discriminate any disabilities. I completed 25 + 2 bonus questions but it was optional to get +5 of the essay. I got a total amount of 32/20!! I choose to rejoice for the rest of today. I can not be much more happier than I already am but I give God all the glory. I keep thinking this is unbelievable. I feel so blessed and tickled in addition I can not explain that. I am very proud.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Getting Ready for Midterms
This week is midterms for everybody and we are refilling ourselves up for midterms in addition we are starting having snacks together. Please create a prayer chain for everyone who is taking the midterms. I got one midterm done so far, I'll turn that in on Wednesday, then I'll hear if I passed or failed. I hope for the best for everybody and including myself but God promises He gives us the desires of our heart and I believe if us students pass or fail we still rejoice. My major I'm studying is Special Education, I do see God through special education at some form even when I can't explain it even I am a "RISE" Road to independent, Spitital, & Employment student. My hope for this week is have courage and it'll be okay because we have to let God open our hearts to a new beginning to bring any anxiety, nervousness, and whatever we are feeling we have to give it all to the Lord. We just have to remind ourselves I am worth it because I am giving this feeling to the Lord, it is going to be okay even when it is hard.
I can really recommend listening to this song and please let it wash over you:
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Working Well at internship / New Project Completed
I have been doing computer work at the Advancement office, it's going well. I have to check mark each applicant from a list to verify their mailing addresses with a highlighter, in addition to that I was able to look into the applicants information and I have been doing great at it and my advisor for my internship is very proud, impressed, and how much hard work I am able to do and I am doing it well. Also, when I get done for one paper at a time I get those papers to a space where I can store those papers to be well organized. Today I completed the computer work project so that is all done for that project!
Friday, February 11, 2022
Beautiful Day Outside
It's really nice outside here in Elgin Illinois, the high temperature is in the mid 40's and it's so nice out so I opened my window all the way with cool air coming through which is always convenient and pleasant. I may have to get used to different temperatures because I'm originally from the Quad Cities, I thought mid February would be cold, I mean it's a bit chilly out but it's a nice day outside, I love it! I think about the peace of God just because what the Lord is giving us with sense of wonder of His glory. In Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God made the Heavens and Earth." Please reflect on that and it has meaning into no matter what you think upon of God's glory.
I think this is a reflect and response for what we know and God's amazing world that we are living in.
Here are a couple of pictures where I see God's mighty work in our lives even when you can't see it:
Monday, February 7, 2022
Two Projects Done
During my internship at the Advancement office today I showed a lot of determination how I have been working. I have been able to organize papers into boxes and I just thought for some reason the box would have been full that I could not fit those papers all the way in. There were only one box left full of papers and I got it done and I was able to fit all those papers into just one box. There was an incident while I was still working I made a mess on the floor then I was capable of cleaning it up after my first project was done. My second project was I had to pull out papers from the binders and I was careful when I was doing it. I felt this is tiring but I kept on going and I was glad for myself. I can easily tell I have been working out my arms. I was able to get done with one binder and I did half of the other binder and I thought I was speechless and I could not even believe it and I got two projects done in one day!!!
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Independent Skills / Working Out & Cooling down
Today after Brunch I took the trash out back and forth because there are two bins for the trash that my dorm room has for each room. It's a nice day outside with the snow it's around the 30's as the high temperature and sunny. I took my jacket off because I have been hot because I was out of breath. All I wanted was something refreshing because it was worth it for me. I have a mystery lemonade that has strawberries in it from Starbucks and I got it from my RA and I paid for that with my own money. then she gave me this mystery lemonade with strawberries in it from Starbucks. I have to be comfortable doing this all by myself with my independent skills and I want to make myself proud, my parents, and most importantly for the Lord and I believe in greater things in my life that the Lord has plans for me. "Jeremiah 29:11". With my independent skills I want to keep it up and by advocating for my needs even when it is scary and all I have to do is trust in the Lord. I am going to make my own choices in my life and I believe the Lord can help me and my supporters back in my community in the Quad Cities and also in the Judson community.
Thank you all!
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Spiritual Wisdom
I can quote "be anxious for nothing" from Philippians 4:6-7. I can recommend that for other people when they feel depressed and or anxiety. Because it helps a lot in times when you just need to pour out your heart to the Lord and He can help you. The Lord will never forsake you and He will not abandon you and His love never fails. Trust in the Lord even when it's hard just come to Him because He wants to have a relationship with you. If you might not know what a relationship is and or what it looks like, think for a moment or so and think about having a family that bonds together with love and just think of that for some moments and that might take you awhile to process having relationships to whoever you are bonded with. Having a relationship, well think of it this way love is sacrifice in any relationship and there is from the Lord. When Jesus laid down His life for all of us He died on the cross because He took our punishment for us so that we do not conquer how much pain Jesus went through. When He died on the cross for us as He gave up His life in order for us to live with Him someday in Heaven. Everything will be okay and I believe the Lord has done amazing things in your life because He is at work in your everyday life and the Lord is always faithful even when you do not admit that He is working in your life please know you may or may not know this the Lord is with you. Praise the Lord He is all we need and He is all we deserve even we might not deserve such love but He really does love and care for us.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Independent Skills / Spiritual Growth Moving Forward
For the first time I made tea all by myself today and because of that I can not believe I did that. I am glad enough to develop my independent skills as much as possible. The tea I made is called Calm Chamomile, it's a flavor of tea from TAZO and I have to be proud of that. My independent skills are developing gradually even if I don't really expect to know that. I always thought that is what I am also learning in the RISE Program at Judson because if I can do anything the Lord provides with strength. I believe I have a life ahead of me as God is calling me to much more things in my life, I want to have spiritual children and to get along with them nicely as a spiritual parent can wherever I am for by God's grace I am called to serve with four pillars. Road to Independent, Spiritual & Employment and I want to keep it up with the Lord's provision, guidance, wisdom, and most importantly glorifying the Lord in all what I do that is pleasing the Lord, as I believe in all miracles. I also believe the Lord heals in no matter the situation is. Praise the Lord I want to keep moving forward!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Working Out / Self-Care
Today I have been working out in the fitness center and I started with stretching first before I started working out. Expect going to the track inside I went to the weight lifting room and went on the treadmill. A couple of them has been not working as they should. Then I went to the other treadmill that is working well. I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I wanted to give up but I kept on going. I had thoughts about working out that I could do it weekly. In Healthful Living class that I am currently taking we have been talking about self care and I learned lots, a couple of guest speakers came from the health services from the Wellness Center and talked to the class about self-care. Each of us as classmates made a self-care plan and I handled it the best that I could. My plan for self-care is to work out weekly and I want to apply that to keep it going the best that I possibly can. I also wanted to make sure that I can include my meal plans in my dish with fruits & vegetables as daily as possible and I do enjoy what I'll be able to do if when I may need help in the correct direction.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Internship "First Day"
Today I just started my internship. I am employed to Advancement on campus. I have been directed to do what I have been expected to do. On my first day I organized papers from the folders to the boxes. I was flying on the shelf as I got a lot done for an hour. I even have my own desk at the office on campus, there is a computer, a telephone as such things like that. I like to be determined. When I have been organizing papers from the folders into boxes I got about a lot in my hand and I put it in into the boxes. I signed this paper that I had to fill with my signature and my print to sign. I did what I could but I tried to sign my signature with my last name that I always have difficulties with, but I am always trying what I can do. I did sign the paper well by printing it. I always examine what I am expected to do as I am a visional learner by heart. So far I really like it of the start of my first day in the Advancement office.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Why Singing Is Always Powerful
When I am singing Christian Praise & Worship songs I am drawn to be chosen to bring something to the Lord in return because I can't fit it in into words that I can express. It's by God's grace that I am called to worship and even those days when I'm not feeling spiritually well and God gives the strength that provides for me and I choose to rejoice and trust in. My hope is in God as I always turn to the Lord when I need Him the most. I believe the Lord is continuing to use me in a step by step process in many amazing ways in my life. I always thought, yeah this is exactly what I wanted to do in my life because I am worth more than my abilities and my disability when I am continuing to sing for all the days in my life because the Lord sees because for what I am doing it blesses Him, and I turn back to that by spreading the Good News of Jesus. Because of that there is absolutely no shame at all whatsoever by sharing what I can for the glory of God, as it makes more sense. As there is no judgement, no condemnation it's by the amazing Love of God that I am called to do something much more bigger as His love never fails and even when I don't see I still believe of how faithful the Lord really is and I am very glad what the Lord is doing in my life and all what I wanted to do is to pull out my heart and give it to the Lord.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Couple of Updates
I have an internship coming up, I'll be an intern to Advancement on campus at Judson University. I'm not too sure where in the Administration office I'll be working. I'll start my internship on January 24th every Mondays & Wednesdays until that day comes around. I only have a bit of experiences with filing, shredding paper as such things, and possibly with technology data. I thought about working in an office, so I thought about it and as I know I believe I can do it, even sometimes it might be hard but I will do my best because that matters. Starting tomorrow afternoon I will be doing voice lessons I'll be doing it online because of the pandemic but will eventually have voice lessons in-person. Having voice lessons takes lots and lots of skills because I want to keep continuing to improve my singing better as much as possible even it's very challenging but I believe I can do it and because of that I have the Lord with me and he gives me strength everyday. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I always quote from that line from the Bible because it is very humbling to me because I believe the Lord can do anything through me from my disability and my abilities in no matter what happens. For me the Lord is always faithful and I choose to trust that for all the days of my life.
Monday, January 17, 2022
This Weekend
The start of the weekend was really fun for me my cohort friends and I went to Starbucks to celebrate one of our cohort friends birthday, I had steamed apple juice, it's basically pure apple juice you can really taste it that makes the drink, a hot drink. We also made this birthday no baked cookie dough and it's pretty good once if you like it or not. She had a great birthday this year and we all got the privilege to experience her birthday with her. Yesterday we watched a movie together after brunch, we watched The Greatest Showman. I only know their songs if you might be familiar with.
Here are a couple of examples:
Thursday, January 13, 2022
First Day of Classes / Back To Campus
Yesterday was the first day of having classes and I have to get used to it because of a new semester for spring. So far I I have been handling where to go from class to class and even being in different buildings that I have to get used to. For the first day of having classes went very well for me and I'm going to learn lots and more that is going to continue. Today is the first day of Current Events 2 that I have for class and it's an addition to Current Events 1 during fall semester and I think for Current Events 2 will be lots of fun for me and as far as I know I will get to learn ways to know more about what is going on in our world with more information. A couple of days ago I got back to campus at Judson and I'm very glad to be back. For me on campus it's like a family that is family to me and I am pleased to say I am called to something bigger in my life and for that said I am really thankful to be a "RISE" Road to Independent, Spiritual & Employment student. Go RISE!!!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2022
New Year 2022
This year in 2022 I want to spread the Good News of Jesus, sharing my faith publicly, and I want to keep advocating to spread awareness for my "disability" Down Syndrome. I believe the Lord is doing amazing things in my life that might be difficult to explain by describing what the Lord is doing in my life. I give all the glory to the Lord and I have been very thankful that I can focus on my abilities spiritually and physically, usually I focus on my abilities spiritually because if "I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength I can do the things what I can do that glorifies the Lord.<Philippians 4:13>
I do focus on my abilities as much as possible physically for the things what I can do and I do it well independently as much as I can. I am taking a bigger step in my relationship with the Lord and because of this I have realized trusting in the Lord is very hard but I believe in no matter what happens is that I can trust in the Lord even when it's hard and I know He will help me. I am not doing all of these things by myself, I am doing this for the Lord.
Today's Fun
My brother is home with us here in the Quad Cities from all the way from Tennessee and while he's here with us today's fun is playin...

I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. ...
I love ice cream and chocolates because it is really fun to have once in awhile. I do enjoy ice cream and chocolates. It's really fun to...
I love to dance because I have lots of fun because I am excited about it and I have fun in a peaceful and relaxing time all by myself. Danc...