Enjoy your Thanksgiving feast!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Time for Thanks
Thanksgiving is coming shortly. Thanksgiving is when we come together, to gather around the table. Did you know Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims after the first harvest in the New World in October 1621? I think when Thanksgiving is here we can all think about what we might be thankful for when the time is near to give Thanks, and also to God what He has, and is doing in our lives. I hope to all of you are looking forward to Thanksgiving, as I am with my family. In my family we are always having my mother's famous fruit salad, Turkey, in between with pumpkin pie or apple pie, crescent rolls, stuffing, and mashed potatoes & gravy. I think that is what I only know in my mind.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Ending of Market Season
This past weekend was the last outdoor Farmer's Market. For us at the Freight House Farmer's Market are officially over. The indoor Market is still going which is good for them. My last words for the Market is... "How much is spent is guaranteed no turning back where it was before the past". I believe what we had done at the Market this season was so satisfying. I am glad we are privileged to let my mother as a vendor as we grow fruits, vegetables, jellies, and syrups at the Market as we sell them. A big thanks to the directors at the Freight House Farmer's Market.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Coming through the end of Market Season / Mother Survived
I know it has been fast as the Freight House Farmer's Market season is almost over, which will only last tomorrow for people who are outside. It has been going well with the season mostly, and also fighting the weather as it gets cold. This past week my Mom had been getting tests done for her 5 year cancer as she had faced it then at Mayo Clinic. Praise God that my Mom has been 100 % cured/ healed. I am so glad I have my Mom back as a woman who is a survivor. After my Mom got back my Dad, and I were overjoyed and people who we know, love, and our supporters who were praying for her. Through her process I had been careful with her, also supporting as she has been influenced by me when she was fighting cancer about at least 5 years ago. I had been helping her as she was going through cancer. Thank you for praying!
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This is a photo of my Mom,with me together |
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Reachable Goals
Currently I am writing on my 365 devotional journal which I had started during the beginning of this year of 2019, I am wanting to finish this on December 31st of this year of 2019. This is what I call SMART goals. I also want to achieve this purpose as the months go by. I am looking forward to see how much I have achieved.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Learning how to speak in a German Accent
I will kinda try to speak in a German Accent if possible. Right now I am learning how to speak in a German Accent, which I am hoping to use it as much as I can. Currently I just trying to do it well. It could be difficult to really speak in a German Accent but I just need to see how well I could do it. I am only hoping for my Grandpa out of my father's side to be proud of me to be able to use the accent of German, I also am wanted to learn from my parents how I could use the German Accent. As my mother only knows Norwegian. I am looking forward to be able to use the German Accent through it all.
Friday, August 16, 2019
School has now started
Today was the first full day of school. This is my last year of High School, I am now officially a Senior. When I keep hearing someone such as this is the last full day of school, or this is the last year we see each other as what my friends might have said. When I hear that for me I can't help but say that this is kinda strange to me, but as a quote as I use it... "For anybody can hear what is expected to come, and as we trust God that He will always know our plans for good, for we are all Children of God". I also want to thank my parents for raising me in a God center, and a Bible believing way to a Bible preaching as we live "Coram Deo" In the presence of God.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
School is coming around the Corner
School will be coming back next week for me on the 15th of August. Now I am officially a Senior, for me it's kinda strange, but I just have to get used to it. I am looking forward to come back to school. Something new that I will be taking this year for second semester which is Functional American Government that is really new to me, and lots to learn from. This will be last year of being in High School for me. I am also finding a job in which in mind could be into music therapy, in which I want to be a Music Therapist. Which I believe will work for me in life. I want to thank my advocates for supporting me in everything I do as I enter this after High School.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Singing at the Freight House Farmer's Market
Today, I decided to show other people my passion for God to sing praises to glorify God. I believe everybody at the Market was overjoyed as I had taken my ministry of my ability of my special needs as I use them by the grace of God as they were feeling how much they are loved by God. For the first time a friend who I got introduced to who plays his electric guitar, so he had encouraged me to borrow his electric guitar, as I was playing with it, I got started to play songs in which what I know from Christian artists. I am pretty thankful as I had used my special talent to show other people as they were influenced for my passion I have for God. During the whole time as my thoughts were talking to each other God had made me realize as I had draw near close to Him in His presence, how much He is glorified how much as I get to use my talent to use it as for people to hear. As Romans 8:28 as we are reminded from... And we know that for those who love God all things work together, for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Monday, July 22, 2019
I remember when it was Saturday at Family Camp in Minnesota. For the first time one of my uncles had taught me how to kayak. I was a quick learner, as I had kayaked all by myself. I never had been kayaking before in my life, now I am really enjoying it most of the times, which I hope to kayak around with my family, my Mom, and my brother has never seen me kayaking, which I am hoping they will. I was also a quick listener as I have been able to do it all by myself. I also can't wait for my family to see how I get along with the kayaking ability which I think I am a grand master of it I will present to show them how I got the courage to do it all by myself. Somehow I had been figuring out how to turn it which is hard to learn to steer it, which now I got the handle of it.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Having Lemonade at Market
Today my parents, and I had lemonade, as we were hopeful to be cool in the heat. But things were just getting hotter, and hotter as the day was going at the Market. The only thing that matters is we had something cold to drink within our thirst. We were really thirsty as in the heat index. So glad we had lots of lemonade today at the Market also with my sweet/lovely mother. Even my father during the time was really sweating too much, but I believe he was glad to have lemonade. The most of the Market is we had sold out of our first picked blueberries by early morning. Usually we have more than that but our blueberries were delaying, but the blueberries are ripening now. The blueberries were delayed because of wet Spring. You can also check them out if they could be ready at our business which is... Beacon Woods Farm&Flowers. I believe my mother is extremely impress to be proud of me to show her how much she has the credit for doing this as within the business.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Prayers at Church
When I had discovered prayers when I had realized when I went up there, when we were praying together as the Church family, when they were finished with theirs, I started praying, which I never done that in a Church. Now I am accepted to pray all the time in Church. I had done this for the first time in my life in Church this past week. I have never been happier when I had been comfortable praying at Church. I want to glorify God as much as I can. I never thought I would pray in Church, but somehow through my perspective it changed instantly through my faith. I get to realize how powerful prayers are in Church, and everywhere around us, but I realized that in Church for the first time in my life.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Finished the Book of Revelation
Recently this morning I had finished the book of Revelation. When I was reading it, it taught me the purposes of life, and how Heaven looks like. I learned a lot through scriptures as I read per day of each chapter. I now know there is life after death. Tomorrow I will start the book of Isaiah, which I am looking forward to. "Everyone has a life to live" as I quote. God has been leading me to follow Him in some difficult- serious times in my life, as within having the responsibility of reading the Bible everyday of my life, as I keep living. "In each life if you believe to have eternity in Heaven" as I quote regarding in Revelation 20, just how Heaven looks like. I believe my father will be over-amazed what God is doing in my life. I am praising God as much as I can in my life.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Fourth Chapter of Revelation
I had read the fourth chapter of Revelation this morning. My life has totally changed for the better. "If you receive if you believe than let God turn your life around". This is my second quote. If you want to live in this life there are choices:. Are you going to choose the cross or the crowd? Which one would you pick, and why you had chosen that? If I had chosen one mine would be the cross, because I know I am a sinner as we all are, and as we need forgiveness. I believe that there is life after death. I have now been a faith-based advocacy with my Heavenly Father as He does all of them to get my attention that seriously with the actions in which I can't explain. The book of Revelation is bringing me to life better than before. I am so glad I am who God says who I really am according to Him. I get used to let God to get my attention really strongly.
Friday, May 24, 2019
May Christmas
I know what you might think of why May Christmas. I decided to make a Christmas album I believe it might happen this month, so I have to get going on that quickly. I got ideas of what I will have on my Christmas album. If you get May Christmas it's similar to Merry Christmas, but it's May almost during the summer time. This process for my Christmas album might take a couple of months. I hope my parents are going to sign me up for a record deal. The only thing I could do is to hop on board to really make that happen. I am sure am glad to be able to do this with my spirit. I got lots of Christmas songs already picked out for my Christmas album coming soon I hope.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The book of Revelation
I just started with the book of Revelation in the Word of God. I always have the hunger for the Word of God which the hunger had came yesterday. I believe in the book of Revelation I might find there is life after death. Somehow God has been transforming me within my actions as I crave in the Word of God. My spirit has fully changed of how my life is going, as much as I live. "The purpose of living has to be a much matter reason to live", as my own quote of life. I always have been to develop a sense of nourishment as I am growing my faith. I AM HUNGRY FOR THE WORD OF GOD!!! What a life I have within my soul. God has provided me for a purpose of life, and how I could accept that there is acceptance as I believe in the God we trust. Within my actions are totally changed how I feel professional in a sincerity being in my family's lives. I have a God fearing family. Right now my life is in let God be the center of my life, let God take control of my life.
Here are a couple a next steps as I keep living in my life:
1. Keep praying
2. Keep growing my faith
3. Keep worshiping God
4. Keep on doing devotionals everyday
5. Stay close to God
6. Draw near to God
Here are a couple a next steps as I keep living in my life:
1. Keep praying
2. Keep growing my faith
3. Keep worshiping God
4. Keep on doing devotionals everyday
5. Stay close to God
6. Draw near to God
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Holding On To Word of God
Somehow I have no idea where my hunger had came about when I got a hold to the Word of God. I am now going to my last chapter on Esther which I will get done today, than I might start studying from Revelation, than keep my hunger going from now on, from the rest of my life. The hunger I got is going to the Word of God at least most everyday. My parents have unexplained pure joy in them. My heart was not craving the Word of God for maybe 13 years. My spirit recently got changed for the better, there is no way how I could explain it better to you. Now I am craving the Word of God as much I am holding on to. I had wanted to thank Pastor Rob how much I am craving the Word of God as the possibility of the joy I have to read, and to focus on the Word of God, so I can understand it better. I feel how much there is within my parents' lives with their hunger for the Word of God, as they are craving to hold on to the Bible. What a powerful/amazing life I have. I am looking forward to how God is going to change me for the better.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Independent Living
I decided to be able to keep growing from independence as I keep growing. When my brother gets back to University of Illinois, when my parents are at the Market sometimes I will go with them. I am now an adult now, so I decided to do the things I have to do for myself, and to make myself breakfast pretty much what I do normally, and to make my own lunch. I feel thankful how I get the opportunity to do the things for myself. I also am looking forward to the blueberries this summer as I pick them for myself, and for my Mom gets a time of her own to bake anything for the blueberries for her heart desires from. What a life I have, as I keep growing.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Welcoming the new Season
The Freight House Farmer's Market is now opening the season of due to major flooding this year. We are coming back to the Freight House this coming up Saturday. I am really am looking forward to this new season of 2019,to where this season is coming from. Currently my mom tomorrow will get ready for Market I can only hope. I sure do hope if it's not going to rain on opening season this Saturday at Market. We all have lots of fun down there for sure. I always have people who I know who come to the Market or if the people who I know from school,or from where my family goes to church at. I absolutely love hanging around with them. I believe it was last year when I had meant a new vendor who actually owns a really creation business from of Heaven and Earth, and I always have fun seeing them there. They have so much joy inside of them which really got into my life when I had first saw them for the very first time was I believe last year. Now currently they are now apart of my life for the better. Our business is Beacon Woods Farm&Flowers . My mom is the one who is in charge of our business. My dad is only the Farmer's husband. He only relates it to my mom for some reason, I have no idea why he keeps on saying that for the good of all.
Welcome to the new season of the Freight House Farmer's Market!!
Welcome to the new season of the Freight House Farmer's Market!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
May Day
Every once a year of the first day of May they call it May Day. I heard there is also a May Day parade they held that every once a year of the first day of May. I absolutely love this month because if it's season as they call it May flowers. My favorite kind of flower is tulips because of how beautiful they really are as they are. Right now they are blooming. I always wanted to see tulips at least over 6 months ago, since because I really do miss them too much because of how much they really are to me. So glad it's May!!! As now the tulips are about bloom and hopefully not too much longer they will be able to grow which I really can't wait for. You might think of May Day of what kind of flower somebody's favorite could be, than you can pick it for that person if you know the person,and to put it at their front door, and knock then leave.
Friday, April 26, 2019
How can we have Confidence in God?
If we can have confidence then we can rely it on God if we have any choices we could do in our lives. I believe as much as we have confidence then God can do the rest for us if our confidence gets lower if we can't handle. I really absolutely love this quote by Mark Batterson.: "The circumstances we ask God to change are often the circumstances God is using to change us". No matter where we find confidence we could find it within God. I believe as long God can change us He can change the circumstances in our lives even though we do not realize how God can do that. The best option we can use, is to trust in him with all your heart and do not lean on your own understandings. This verse comes from a version of a Bible which you might recognize. ESV. It all says it on Proverbs 3:5-6.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Easter Weekend
Recently my family, and I are having the most wonderful things until what I can't explain deeply for the days we had for on the day of the week of Good Friday. Just realize that Easter can change everything. I remember it was yesterday, I did a presentation about Easter last night on Easter Sunday, with that there is a song that you might be familiar with. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Do you believe Easter Changes Everything?
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I absolutely love this portrait of the verse in Matthew of when Jesus is the one who got Risen on the third day. |
Sunday, April 14, 2019
A Special Day
This is what it looked like before I drank it all up. |
This area is my favorite because I was holding my cup by the fire. |
My Mom was helping me with the cup so that I did not have to spill it over at our new house. |
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Feelings / Reactions
I did not even realize how God is transforming the way how I act, as I can barely feel that. In some ways I always have reactions to whatever it might be in my soul, and in my heart. Every time when I feel something in my heart I have a strong reaction, and that leads into the Holy Spirit. I want to express how God is good, and into people's lives. Our God is so good. In every moment I can feel God in many wonderful ways in my soul, and in my heart. I thought if I begin a journey in a situation I just talk to God about it, and it's simple as that. I always leave myself worried as I feel that, by short notice I have a urge to talk to God in my room. I always have reactions to certain things as I live in my life. I want to dwell on many things how God can use me in a mighty, and a powerful way. I want to realize go to God for help, in a desperate cry. I like to thank the people who are praying for me daily, and I want to thank you for that.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Reaching Out
I love the opportunity to reach out to other people in their lives because it's what I do through my ministry. I believe how I reach out could be more than anything that can be satisfying to other people who are around me. I love the quote from Kareena Kapoor Khan: "Life is full of happiness and tears: be strong and have faith". No matter what you have gone through but keep chasing your dreams. God is using me in a powerful way, in which I can't explain. Whenever I am available I always go over many situations I face, and I actually pray about them. Let me tell you: Whatever is going on in your life just pray to God in your situation, and you can rely on that on God. I always face situations no matter what I am feeling, then I just pour myself a time with God, and just keep pressing on. Do what you can do in life.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
How I used God in Family / What triggered my Heart
I remember it was last night after we watched a Christian movie. I had never told my family about what the greater purpose of God, I never done that in my life, completely never. I had poured my joy with my family which I am teaching my parents to be serious. At Church last night when the Senior Pastor was preaching somehow through the full sermon had triggered my heart the whole time. I had never had that happened to me for about 10 to 15 years. The Holy Spirit was getting my attention through the whole service. I remembered when we were singing a song which did affected me, and I found myself down on my knees during the service, that is how the Holy Spirit seriously had got my attention to Him through the sermon. I thought during that time I thought the Holy Spirit was about to reveal itself to me , He was trying so hard to reveal Himself to me. I barely heard what He had said to me the entire time, and during the sermon, I can't really explain what He said to me, It was so powerful what He said to me. I believe He said to me if this is was not what you were listening I will make you listen, So it was enough to make me listen. I never knew He could do that. In Romans 6:11 I believe it is. Dead to sin, and alive in Christ. Bible of version of ESV I now have New Life in Christ now. I couldn't been much more happier in my life. I am Fearfully and wonderfully made quoting Psalm 139:14, It's in the Bible of version of ESV.
May God be with you, and may all the blessings flow!!
May God be with you, and may all the blessings flow!!
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Having Confidence
When we have confidence we can rely on God to whom we trust in. The much more confident we are we can uphold our relationship with God. As much confidence we have God can help if our confidence gets lower. If we receive confidence we can trust how God is faithful through all of it. God has brought us a future and a hope. This goes along in Jeremiah 29:11.: For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord,plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. The verse is from English Standard Version Bible. God can show us the way in life if we could accept that into our lives. English Standard Version of the Bible in John 14:6. When Jesus said to Thomas when John 14:5 -Thomas said to Jesus Lord we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way? Jesus answered.John 14:6 - I am the way,the Truth, and the life no one comes to the Father but except through me. As much we get confidence we can always relate it to God no matter where confidence can be found. I have a great privilege of having to help many people to experience love,joy, peace, and whatever it might be in their lives, even in the extreme of trials, because God had called me as much I get confidence of helping other people in their lives. God had made me for a greater reason, which I am trying to realize. I am fearfully, and wonderfully made. From Psalm 139:14. into English Standard Version of the Bible.
Friday, March 15, 2019
How I realize how God can Keep His Promises
When I realized how God keeps His promises I can always relate it to the Old Testament of Noah. When God keeps His promises He will never leave us nor forsaken us, He will not abounded us. I can relate maybe if I could describe how Noah whose also in the Bible back in the Old Testament. Noah had trusted God as much how he did. God had made a promise to Noah that God would bring a flood, then Noah had made the ark for all of the animals, as Noah, and I believe his wife had came along, as they were going in the ark, then the promise came right after the last chance when the dove got out. God had kept His promise,then I think God said I will never bring the flood to destroy the Earth. I can't really explain from the glimpse as Noah had realized as if he had saw a rainbow, then there was the promise God said all along. Noah had worshiped God as he instantly got out of the ark after the animals got out from the ark. I had learned this ever since I was young, I believe I was about 7 or 8 years of age when I had learned about the Bible all through that time in my life, and I want to dwell that in my life, as much as I grow. God can keep His promises. We can always relate how God is faithful if we trust in Him.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Becoming an adult
Pretty soon I will be the age of becoming an adult. In this adulthood could be a little overwhelming but I believe I will have myself comfortable. By the start of becoming an adult could get hard for me, I just have to get used to it at first. I feel professional the way I act when I start the life of an adult. I have a couple things I need to get to mind. Even though I will be an adult I am still a child of God. I have to keep my mind the way where God wants me to live in life. I have to keep my mind on how I praise God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made quoting Psalm 139 verse 14 in ESV Bible. I have to grow that inwardly. For by God's sufficient grace I can accept how faithful God can be. I have been a blessing to everybody in their lives, which I just rededicated my life to Christ recently this past week. My parents are so much to me because of their joy, through their faith as they are keeping their faith very strongly. At first becoming an adult can be really challenging because there are too many steps to follow. I think I can do it. I have to be responsible as I start taking care of myself, and my own doings, and through my actions as I grow inwardly. I predict as I grow, I will have to watch out for things that might be coming over me. Lets see what happens in the near future.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
My Goals to set for the New Year
Here is my goals for the New Year
1.I could help more people in their lives.
2. How I could be independent in life which I want to be able to keep doing.
3. How I can have a deeper relationship with God as my life goes.
4. For me to be the best child of God as I can be.
5. Show the whole Earth what God is doing things greater in peoples lives.
6. As for me to go into God's Words to read the Bible more often, which I should be doing.
7. For I can go to different countries to what the gospel is to people, and to teach them what the gospel is.
8. Have other people to realize what has been going on, and if they need help they can contact me if they want me to help them if I am available.
9. I want to lead people in worship, so then I also can be able to be a worship leader as part time if possible.
10. How I could be successful in life and do things on myself to take care of myself, and as I get older in life.
Happy New Year
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Today's Fun
My brother is home with us here in the Quad Cities from all the way from Tennessee and while he's here with us today's fun is playin...

I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. ...
I love ice cream and chocolates because it is really fun to have once in awhile. I do enjoy ice cream and chocolates. It's really fun to...
I love to dance because I have lots of fun because I am excited about it and I have fun in a peaceful and relaxing time all by myself. Danc...