Today since this morning we all had snow at my house. It's been cold today. It's going to be like that this month. Can't wait for the first day of winter. My father is plowing the snow on our driveway. He always do a great job with everything he does. I like to be warm in the winter time because it's freezing outside. The best way to be warm is to have some hot chocolate with some marshmallow's on top. That is my favorite to have on a very cold day. We had lots of inches of snow. I really love the snow because I make pretty snow angels. Go sledding. Sometimes we make snowmen. When snow falls I see snowflakes. I love snowflakes because I see it coming down. And it's so pretty, Wonderful, beautiful, and shiny. This is why I love snow.
This is a snowflake.
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This is a snowmen named Olaf.
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Today's post is all about the snow. And have fun in the snow. Having some warm hot chocolate.
I love warm hot chocolate and I love Ally!