Today I did the wii all day. I did lots of yoga. And I did gate. The gate was really hard because my legs were on the floor. I should of got the mat out. My legs were hurting me because it was really really hard after I got done. Everyday I have been trying to leave my hearing aid alone. But I can't.
I am new at getting to get used to my hearing aid. Everything on my right ear is hearing lots of sounds. I am still learning how to lower my hearing aid. This is really hard to understand. I am talking about when I have to get my hearing aid on that is when it turns really loud for me. Some people have hearing aids. Just like my Father's Father has. I only have one. On the wii I did the jackknife for 30 reps. And for the total was 97. At the end I was happy it got over with. For a long long time. That means I did it all day. Are you happy or excited for me?
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Hearing Aid
I just got my new hearing aid. This is my first time of having my new hearing aid. Everything I hear is really loud but I need to get used to it. I have been working really hard to get my hearing aid. Today I got this hearing aid. But it takes days to find out if I like it or not. I am getting used to it. I thought it hurts but when the audiologist got my hearing aid on everything got really loud then I thought it was before it was really hard for me to hear. All the sounds are all different from my right ear because I was hearing lots of sounds and it was loud. So I am now learning how to use my own hearing aid. I am an overcomer. Just to get through the hard times. Now I guess I am glad to have my new hearing aid. I think I am going to know how to use my new hearing aid. As you know you are so happy because you might say to me wow I am excited for you. I am so glad that you got the hearing aid. I reply I said Thank you. I am happy about it but I am going to get used to the hearing aid. When I get my hearing aid off I am going to swim I love to swim so much. Having my hearing aid is I get to hear lots of sounds that I did not hear before. And now I am hearing lots of things like birds, frogs insects and lots more. Of things I did not get to hear about.
This is a picture of me with my new hearing aid.
This is a photo of me with my new fancy hearing aid.
Today's post is getting hearing aid, Love on my mother everyday.
This is a picture of me with my new hearing aid.
This is me with my hearing aid. |
This is a photo of me with my new fancy hearing aid.
This is me with my fancy hearing aid. |
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Planets and Stars
Planets and stars only come at night. Planets are sometimes big or small. Stars are everywhere in the sky at night time. I love to look at stars every night because they are really beautiful during the night time. My favorite planet is Neptune. What kind of planet do you like the best? When you look up to look at the stars they are really pretty to look at. I love every star because they are exciting to me. I love the stars so much. At night when it is really dark go look at planets and stars awhile you are in your bed. I do that every night and I get to enjoy it. Stars are amazing to look at. Why do you think planets and stars are really important to us? I think it's so unbelieveable to look at them when it is really dark. You will be amazed when you see them. This is really important to everybody to learn about. This whole thing is actually about science. Science is everywhere around us just like planets and stars.
Enjoy looking at planets and stars every night when it gets really dark outside.
This is a picture of a planet.
This is a photo of stars.
Today's post is everything that you should know about planets and stars.
Enjoy looking at planets and stars every night when it gets really dark outside.
This is a picture of a planet.
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Monday, June 27, 2016
Amazing Grace
God is amazing to us because he heals us with his hand. This song is called Amazing Grace. God does know what we are saying to him. If we pray God will answer you. amazing grace is my other favorite songs because God is amazing and he loves us all. God will say to me amazing grace because he heals me and he is actually saying that to me everyday. Amazing grace is a wonderful gospel song ever. That is my number 1 gospel song that I ever have in my whole life. In my life I am hearing a gospel song called Amazing Grace. God is grace and he is amazing.
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. was blind but know I see. " Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear? The hour I first believed. My chains are gone I've been set free. My God my savior has ransomed me. And like a flood his mercy reigns. Unending love Amazing grace. The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be. As long as life endures. My chains are gone I've been set free my God my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love Amazing grace. My chains are gone I've been set free. My God my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love Amazing grace. The Earth shall soon disolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine but God who called me here below. Will be forever mine. Will be forever mine. You are forever mine.
This song is simple because God is Amazing grace. God is there with you. He is talking right to you. He knows what you are doing. I do what God wants me to do. I am making sure that everybody is safe and their families. If you are safe God is keeping you safe right in his arms.
Today's post is Amazing Grace, Worshiping God, Doing what God is telling you the right thing to do.
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. was blind but know I see. " Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear? The hour I first believed. My chains are gone I've been set free. My God my savior has ransomed me. And like a flood his mercy reigns. Unending love Amazing grace. The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be. As long as life endures. My chains are gone I've been set free my God my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love Amazing grace. My chains are gone I've been set free. My God my savior has ransomed me and like a flood his mercy reigns unending love Amazing grace. The Earth shall soon disolve like snow. The sun forbear to shine but God who called me here below. Will be forever mine. Will be forever mine. You are forever mine.
This song is simple because God is Amazing grace. God is there with you. He is talking right to you. He knows what you are doing. I do what God wants me to do. I am making sure that everybody is safe and their families. If you are safe God is keeping you safe right in his arms.
Today's post is Amazing Grace, Worshiping God, Doing what God is telling you the right thing to do.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
This reminds me of a verse. It is... When I am afraid I put my trust in you. Psalms 56:3. That is my other favorite verse. My first verse is.. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son and who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 God made everything. He made sunsets beautifully. He made all of us just the way He made us so special to love one another. God loves so much because we trust in him like the Bible says. Every night I pray and I am talking to God for what he did for us and he is there with you when we are praying. I say to myself every night Ok I know God is with me and he is there when we need him. I was actually praying about what I just said about. So I was praying about that. Now I am still praying everyday now. God as we pray to you we say thank you for helping everybody who is having hard times can make it better for them and to make them easy to understand better. God thank you for loving on us and healing us with your hands. You of who you are powerful and mighty to save will help all of us to get to know you. And as we say to you hallelujah praise the the Lord our God. And Jesus name we say Amen.
This is a beautiful sunset. This is so pretty, lovely and glorious. I saw a sunset but not this kind yet. This is so unbelievable. I love sunsets because they are really fun to look at them. Also they are really beautiful and so beautiful in the evening at night time.
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This is a beautiful sunset. |
Today's post is praise God, beautiful sunset and praying.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Baseball is fun to play and to watch. Baseball is a great sport to have. Baseball could be hard but keep on practicing. Have you ever played baseball before? Sometimes it gets harder as you think it was. Baseball could be challenging but unless if you like baseball you get to enjoy it and you will have fun playing baseball. Sometimes awhile if you are playing baseball you can run if you get a single or a double or a triple. Baseball could be fun but it gets harder and harder every time. Baseball is when you hit the ball. If you only have 1 strike keep trying harder. If you know how to do baseball if you are still practicing and learning how you will soon be playing baseball with a team or with family or a friend of yours. This will be hard as you think. But baseball is fun to learn about before you play in the real game of baseball. What kind of sport do you like the best? And why do you like it?
Here is a baseball bat.
Here is a baseball ball.
Here is a baseball bat.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Today I was picking blueberries for a pint. I ate all of the blueberries in a pint. Blueberries are so good for you. For myself I can eat all of them. Just like the whole row. My mother said that I will turn blue. Because I am eating all of them. Blueberries are blue and they are so good for you. Blueberries have vitamins. There is Vitamin K and Vitamin C. This is a big reason why you should know about blueberries. Because it is really healthy for you. There are lots to pick from. I heard there are different flavor's of blueberries and it's so good. If you want you can come pick your own blueberries. If you never come for a Upick go on our home page on Beacon Woods Farm. to sign up for Upicking. The owners of the Beacon Woods Farm is my mother and my father. The most picker for every 6 hours is my mother. In the blueberries. My father does work around the farm. He helps out what he wants to do during the days off of work.
Here is a picture of me picking blueberries.
Here is a photo of me picking even more blueberries.
Today's post is blueberry picking, enjoying the air inside. Cooling off, Having lemonade on a hot day. Having fun with family.
Here is a picture of me picking blueberries.
This is me picking blueberries. |
Here is a photo of me picking even more blueberries.
This is me holding my pint of blueberries. |
Today's post is blueberry picking, enjoying the air inside. Cooling off, Having lemonade on a hot day. Having fun with family.
Monday, June 20, 2016
In the country we hear lots of frog sounds. Some people sometimes say it's more like a bird. My family live in the country we can hear lots of frog sounds in the night time. I sometimes say mother what kind of a frog is that? Do you ever hear frogs in the night time? I had heard we could see frogs but you just need to be quiet for a little bit. You can't hear enough of frogs in the city. You can hear frogs in the country if you live in the country. If you live in the city you can't hear frogs. If you live in the country you can hear lots of frogs all around you. A frog is alike with a bird only with the sounds. I like frogs because they can come out in the night time. Also I really love hearing the frogs in the night time because I can hear the frogs all around me. It's really fun to hear frogs in the night time. Isn't it?
Here is a picture of a frog.
Here is another frog.
Here is a picture of a frog. | |
Friday, June 17, 2016
Cake and ice cream
What kind of cake do you like best? What kind of flavor of ice cream do you like? I love any kind of flavor of ice cream. My favorite kind of cake would have to be strawberry. Because it is really good. But I am telling you this is temptation. I can have fun having cake and ice cream. Until I see anything like that I want to eat it. My most favorite of ice cream would have to be anything at Whitey's. Whitey's has so many to choose from. I love all of them. I think you might like chocolate chip ice cream. That has to be the best of ice cream you ever had don't you think? If somebody has a birthday they will have cake and ice cream. Or maybe pie. My brother likes pies on his birthday. For my birthday I want cake and ice cream. I just can't stop thinking about this. I can't take it any more. Because this is temptation. Have you ever get stuck with temptation? I am always fighting with temptation. Temptation wants me to have cake and ice cream often and I do not know why. Do you even get rid of temptation? It's really hard to get rid of it. My temptation is really really hard to get rid of. You need to go a little easy. It takes time. You can take a deep breath. If this is hard as you think it was.
This is a picture of cake.
This is a photo of ice cream.
This is a picture of cake. | |
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Yoga on the Wii games on the Wii
Today I did yoga all day. I thought yoga was fun but I tried really really hard. I was pressing on today. It was worth it. My last yoga was the triangle pose that went pretty well. Guess what On the triangle pose I had great posture. I did lots of fitness on the Wii today. The games that I played were...
- Run and jump around the Obstacle course
- Penguin slide
- Hula Hoop
- Table Tilt
And lots more games.
I was having fun on the Wii today. I will do more everyday just like my brother does. My favorite part of the Wii was skiing. That was not on the list. My other favorite part was the penguin slide that was really fun. The most of all my favorite part was yoga. I never knew my favorite was yoga. I did that all day. I got really really hot from yoga and the games too. So I am done for the day. I am really tired now. I need more sleep I guess. Or maybe the day is long maybe that's the case that I am tired. Everyday is really fast like in the summer and in the winter and in the fall and in the spring too. Time is fast how did it get late?
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Bicycles for big kids and Tricycles for young kids
A bicycle has two wheels. A tricycle has three wheels. As you all know a bicycle and a tricycle are similar. I used to have a tricycle but I don't use it anymore. Tricycles are for young kids and it's really fun. Just like a bicycle. A bicycle is for big kids to ride on. Sometimes you fall off either on a bicycle or on a tricycle. If you do fall you will have a scrape on you. You will not like it one bit. When it's almost night time I go for a ride on my tricycle when I first had it. I thought it was fun. Until then I got tired so I went back inside. Having a bicycle and a tricycle are really interesting becuase you can pedal with your feet. If you are big you can go on a bicycle. And if you are young as kids they will go on a tricycle. My family taught me when I first had my tricycle they were teaching me how to ride my tricycle. My family taught my brother how to ride his bicycle. My family was teaching my brother to go on his own on his bicycle. I was getting ready for a ride on my tricycle. Before that happened me and my brother had a race to see who's the fastest. The winner was my brother he was the fastest. I kept on going even though my brother won. After the race was over we did another mile around the sidewalk again. After that it was almost dark so we went inside and we played board games untill it was dinner time.
Here is a bicycle.
Here is a tricycle.
Here is a bicycle. |
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Cobra and Downward facing dog
Today I did the cobra and the downward facing dog on the Wii. It was hard when I got started but I was really hot after I was done. On the downward facing dog I inproved better. At the end on that my arms were hurting me awhile I was doing the downward facing dog. I thought the cobra was easy but it was not that easy that I had thought it was. The downward facing dog I got a really wonderful line on the Wii fit. If you want you can do it too. Let me warn you it's hard and it's not that easy as you think. You can get really hot when you are doing this excercise. And be careful with yourself. After you are done feel free to get yourself ice cream. That will get you much better.
Enjoy doing the cobra pose and the downward facing dog pose.
Also enjoy having that nice cold refreshing ice cream.
Enjoy doing the cobra pose and the downward facing dog pose.
Also enjoy having that nice cold refreshing ice cream.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Plans this summer and after summer comes off to school
I have lots of things in the summer time. They are...
- Swimming
- getting hearing aid
- having fun with family
- family camp
- enjoying the weather
- having ice cream on a nice and hot day like today.
- Go out outside to explore nature.
- going to Niabi Zoo.
- probably going to Noodles.
And lots more after that.
After summer is done I am going back to school. I will be a high schooler up in high school in 9th grade a freshman. I will get my new schedule for school in August somewhere in that month.
Enjoy your summer vacation.
- Swimming
- getting hearing aid
- having fun with family
- family camp
- enjoying the weather
- having ice cream on a nice and hot day like today.
- Go out outside to explore nature.
- going to Niabi Zoo.
- probably going to Noodles.
And lots more after that.
After summer is done I am going back to school. I will be a high schooler up in high school in 9th grade a freshman. I will get my new schedule for school in August somewhere in that month.
Enjoy your summer vacation.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Science fun
Science is everywhere around us. I love science because it helps us learn things that we did not know before. When I grow up I want to be a marine biologist because I can see dolphins and other animals that live in the ocean. Science is fun because it's nature. Go outside and you will see science all around you. I always wanted to be a marine biologist because I can learn what's in the ocean and see what I never saw before. It's really fun to be a marine biologist because you will discover what you see in the ocean. I always wanted to swim with the dolphins because I never seen dolphins before. If you were a marine biologist what do you want to learn about? I am watching science everyday and I get to learn lots of things. Science is fun to watch because we can learn about what we are learning about. As you know that my most favorite subject in school is science. Because it helps us to learn better. I have a book of science and I get to know everything that I can learn from it. This is why science is my favorite.
Do you have this book before?
This book is all about science. It can tell you what you should know about science.
Enjoy learning about science if you have that book.
Do you have this book before?
This book is all about science. It can tell you what you should know about science.
Enjoy learning about science if you have that book.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Hearing aid on the 29th of June and church tonight
I am really excited to go to church because I get to worship the Lord. I am going to get the hearing aid on Wednesday the 29th of June. I might get used to it. I never had a hearing aid before. I can change the volume on my new and fancy hearing aid. That is going to be interesting because I can change the volume. I never knew that I can change the volume on my new fancy hearing aid. This is going to be challenging when I get this hearing aid on my right ear. Fascinating. Don't you think?
I have to know how to change the batteries from that hearing aid when I get it. At my church they have bathrooms and a sink. I need to be careful when I get my brand new and fancy hearing aid. I never had one in my whole life before. I want you all to know this too. I appreciate you all knowing about what God did for you. Tonight I am going to church with my family. I am also going to have lots of fun after I get my brand new hearing aid. This is going to be a little exciting.
Thank you so much for posting comments on my blog. I even read them and I get to enjoy it.
God bless you all.
I have to know how to change the batteries from that hearing aid when I get it. At my church they have bathrooms and a sink. I need to be careful when I get my brand new and fancy hearing aid. I never had one in my whole life before. I want you all to know this too. I appreciate you all knowing about what God did for you. Tonight I am going to church with my family. I am also going to have lots of fun after I get my brand new hearing aid. This is going to be a little exciting.
Thank you so much for posting comments on my blog. I even read them and I get to enjoy it.
God bless you all.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Worshiping the Lord part two
I just got back from part two of worshiping the Lord today. As you know I love to worship all the time. I enjoy it because it's really fun to worship the Lord our God. This song everybody sings sometimes at Harvest Bible Chapel. Including Pastors at my Church too. At my Church is really amazing because my pastor is the Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel Davenport he preaches every Saturday night and Sunday morning. Over at Harvest Bible Chapel. Here is the link of Harvest Bible Chapel. It's really fun there because they also have Harvest Kids from different grades. Here is the song I wanted you to worship. Because I want you to sing along with the song. This song will inspire you because Jesus died for us to give us life and then he rose from the dead. After all that happened He was Alive I like that song. You can get the link all by yourself.
Thank you for worshiping the Lord our God.
Thank you so much of going on the Harvest Bible Chapel Davenport's website.
God is with us forever and ever.
Enjoy the Worship song that I put on for all of you.
Thank you for worshiping the Lord our God.
Thank you so much of going on the Harvest Bible Chapel Davenport's website.
God is with us forever and ever.
Enjoy the Worship song that I put on for all of you.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Worshiping the Lord and listening to Christian music and getting hearing aid on the 29th on Wednesday
All day I have been worshiping the Lord. I love to woship the Lord because I was listening to Christian music. I am going to do this everyday. I do enjoy worshiping the Lord because everything in me is really full with listening to music. That is why I love to do that everyday. And I get to enjoy it often. I am going to get my new and fancy hearing aid on Wednesday on the 29th of June. I feel an interest in me of getting the hearing aid on my right. I'm a little excited about it but not too much. I know that God is still with me including the hard times. I am getting the hearing aid on my right ear all in my life which is great. I am going to have my hearing aid on my right ear forever and ever. And in my whole life.
Thank you.
God bless you all.
Thank you.
God bless you all.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Yoga is hard at first. The most of all it's fun. And it's an up and down motion. My favorite yoga pose is the cobra and the downward facing dog. What kind of pose do you like? Yoga is really fun because it helps us with our muscles to get strong. Yoga could be hard as you think. I feel the stretch awhile I am doing my two favorite poses. I heard you can get really hot when you are doing yoga for 39 minutes. Have you ever tried yoga before? How do you feel when you are doing yoga? Yoga is hard but it's fun. I enjoy doing two yoga poses because it's hard and is a little challenging. I even go through the cobra and the downward facing dog really easily. But if you all do yoga the hard way it's going to hurt you. I am just warning you!!! You need to breathe in and breathe out. This song will help you go though this. The song is Overcomer.
Enjoy the song.
This is the downward facing dog.
This is the cobra.
Enjoy the song.
This is the downward facing dog. | |
Monday, June 6, 2016
Pepperoni Pizza and homemade pizza and a healthy pizza
I like pepperoni pizza because it tastes really good and it's yummy. What kind of pizza do you like? And why you like it? Have you ever made homemade pizza before? I tried homemade pizza over at my Friend's house. You need to try homemade pizza. Which one do you like best? And why do you like it. Pizza is my other favorite food. What is your favorite food? And why do you enjoy it? Have you ever had a healthy pizza before? It's so good for you. You never know when you try one. You will enjoy it. Pizza is an amazing food all over the world. Try pizza everyday to figure out what kind of pizza you like best.
Thank you for trying something new like pizza. You will enjoy having pizza.
Here is a picture of a pepperoni pizza.
Here is a photo of a healthy pizza.
Thank you for trying something new like pizza. You will enjoy having pizza.
Here is a picture of a pepperoni pizza.
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Here is a photo of a healthy pizza. |
Sunday, June 5, 2016
I love to go swimming because it's fun and relaxing when I get in the pool. Hopefully this week I may go swimming because it is going to be really hot this week. Swimming is fun and I enjoy it a lot. I like the tempature in the pool. Swimming is a great sport to have.
Here are tips that I do in the pool.
- I do the backstroke.
- I also do the frontstroke too.
- Before I go underwater I breathe in. And then I go underwater.
- This year this summer I am going to try something new called "sculling" means your hands are in cups.
I am going to do this in the pool. Maybe I might go swimming this week I hope.
One more tip.
- I am excited because I get to go swimming maybe this week.
Here are tips that I do in the pool.
- I do the backstroke.
- I also do the frontstroke too.
- Before I go underwater I breathe in. And then I go underwater.
- This year this summer I am going to try something new called "sculling" means your hands are in cups.
I am going to do this in the pool. Maybe I might go swimming this week I hope.
One more tip.
- I am excited because I get to go swimming maybe this week.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Going to church every Saturday night / News about my right ear
My family and I are going to church tonight. I like to go to church because I love to worship. My pastor teaches us what we need to know about God. Just like the gospel and stuff like that. My favorite church is Harvest Bible Chapel because I love to worship there. As you all know about Harvest Bible Chapel they have hot chocolate all the time, Coffee, Water and tea. They even have snacks too. Tonight I am so excited to go to church because I can worship the Lord. Over at Harvest Bible Chapel there are bunch (means a lot of pastors). I love to go to church because I can hear my pastor on my left ear. I can not hear from my right ear. I am going to get my new hearing aid on this Wednesday. I wil blog about my right ear on Wednesday after I get that hearing aid. I never had a hearing aid before. And I do not know what is going to be like. But it takes time I will let you know about this too on Wedesday after I get it on my right ear.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Sweet yummy strawberries
This morning for breakfast I had 3 strawberries. They are really sweet and yummy. Strawberries are my favorite because they are really sweet. When strawberries are ripe and if it is red eat it. I eat strawberries because they are really sweet and really yummy. When strawberries are not ripe do not pick one yet!!! Strawberries need more time to grow and to be ripen. It takes time for strawberries to ripe. As you all know strawberries are really sweet. You can also have strawberries when they are squished in lemonade. Strawberries are a wonderful way to have everyday because strawberries are really sweet and yummy. As you all know strawberries are really good for you. If you never had a strawberry before try stawberries. You never know unless you try one. You just might like them. Strawberries are good for you because it has vitamin C. It helps your muscles to be strong and it is really healthy for you.
Here is a strawberrry.
Here is a strawberry that is up close.
Here is a strawberrry.
Here is a strawberry that is up close.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Lemonade with squished strawberries
Today I am having a new variety of having squished strawberries in my lemonade. Today's blog post is me having lemonade with squished strawberries. I decided to have this everyday. Because it tastes really good. You need to try this new variety that I had made. I love strawberries because it is really sweet just like all of you. I really do love lemonade because on a hot day or to cool off have this new variety of having my newest creation. I call this lemonade with squished strawberries. This will get you 100% energy drink. With squished strawberries to go in your lemonade. You will enjoy this new variety that I had made on the 1st of June. That is why I am excited about this new drink and the variety that I never had before. But today I had this kind and I loved it so much and I will have this variety everyday.
Thank you.
This is what I had today.
This picture is the inside of the cup.
Thank you.
This is what I had today.
This picture is the inside of the cup.
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Today's Fun
My brother is home with us here in the Quad Cities from all the way from Tennessee and while he's here with us today's fun is playin...

I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. ...
I love ice cream and chocolates because it is really fun to have once in awhile. I do enjoy ice cream and chocolates. It's really fun to...
I love to dance because I have lots of fun because I am excited about it and I have fun in a peaceful and relaxing time all by myself. Danc...