Today was the new RISE students orientation and I was capable to introduce myself in addition talking about my experiences in the RISE Program during Brunch and I thought that was fun for me for the initiative for today. I met new students who have the same disability as I do, it was a joy, I think I'll like to be friends with them during the next school year. After Brunch today all of us went to the fitness center and we played games. There was (1) Soccer, (2) Basketball, (3) Hula Hoop, and (4) Volleyball. I had fun but unfortunately I was going through emotional feelings eventually I made it through, I was focusing on myself medically which I do not want to discriminate / sharing. Later on after we were done with all the games in the fitness center. We had a fun day outside because it was about in the 80s, I was walking around campus for quite sometime, in addition all of us played with sidewalk chalk because that brings me memories because I used to do that once I was young back at home in the Quad Cities. I had an amazing day and enjoyed it! Today's temperature kinda feels like summer.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Friday, April 22, 2022
Highlight for This Week
This week I had a mock interview and I thought I was nervous about it although I was capable to be comfortable in the mock interview. This was a practice interview that I did in addition I did well in my mock interview and I followed through what I understand. The interviewer who was interviewing me has a company that sells computers, in addition knowing about computers. Previously in class time in Vocational Development all of us we were working on resumes if someday maybe having a job interview in the future will need to make sure to bring two copies of the resume. In my resume I said I am interested in computers because I know how computers function. When I had my mock interview I was prepared because I dressed up professionally. I answered all the questions during the mock interview additionally I found out the mock interview was a success. I was glad about the mock interview.This is me, (Ally) showing an impression.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Happy Easter
We all remember when Jesus sacrificed His life for us because His love is unconditional. I believe in the truth in addition to that I want to extend that same grace to those people who may need to know the Gospel because that is where the truth is found. I would recommend starting in the book of John in the Bible and go from there because I believe the Lord can use you in the best way He can because He wants to have a relationship with you as long as you believe that He is the Lord the Messiah! As we all continue to celebrate Easter please take time with Jesus and start reading His Word, I do want to highlight just a couple John 3:16 and John 17:18-19. Jesus died on the cross for us to take our punishment and nail it to the cross because He had to for everybody's sins, then on the third day He is risen!! I can't say more than this because not everybody would believe in the Gospel, but to those believers I can say what Jesus said: "So whoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life, Jesus speaking so that someday you will be in Heaven."
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Nature Walking
This morning I went outside and it was amazing because I saw something like no other. I saw ripples, gushes, and sparkling no words can't express how to describe of water flowing through and it made me realize something about what love is, it's unconditional. I encountered this experience for the first time in my life so I believe in it because that is faith because I saw God even when I can't see. Along the way I saw leaf's scattered all around campus. I had an amazing encounter with the Lord this morning and I love it in addition I will always treasure it. I saw piles of wood circling around the water it was, if this is what I am really seeing I chose joy over anything else because I saw it through faith. No one could ever imagine this situation but it is God calling me and showing me what my faith can do to the real world and showing love to those people around me because I am showing I am a blessing to go in mission. When I was on my way back to my dorm room setting I could not believe it, I saw a couple of flowers blooming, spring arrived! Praise the name of Jesus He is here!
Friday, April 1, 2022
Getting The Job Going
I really like my internship because I want to continue to show how I have a strong work ethic in everything I do. I have been doing lots of tasks. (1) More computer work, (2) stuffing more mail, (3) Adding labels for any projects I have worked on for stuffing mail to the envelopes, and (4) Label writing on the envelopes for returning addresses. Oftentimes or all the time I show a lot of determination with my impression during my internship on campus at Judson. I had investigated I am a visual learner when I am working and I do know that. My experience in the Advancement office is just like when I am confident because I am able to work for each and every task I have, it's incredible. I am reliable, I am always trustworthy, I use my advocacy skills, I am able to bring the joy of the Lord to the real world, I use my time management with being punctual, and I never give up even when I have challenging times and I believe the Lord can always help me.
Today's Fun
My brother is home with us here in the Quad Cities from all the way from Tennessee and while he's here with us today's fun is playin...

I love to rhyme. I rhyme all the time that is a rhyming word. Get it rhyme time. Rhyming is a great way to start your day as in your way. ...
I love ice cream and chocolates because it is really fun to have once in awhile. I do enjoy ice cream and chocolates. It's really fun to...
I love to dance because I have lots of fun because I am excited about it and I have fun in a peaceful and relaxing time all by myself. Danc...