Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year 2022

 This year in 2022 I want to spread the Good News of Jesus, sharing my faith publicly, and I want to keep advocating to spread awareness for my "disability" Down Syndrome. I believe the Lord is doing amazing things in my life that might be difficult to explain by describing what the Lord is doing in my life. I give all the glory to the Lord and I have been very thankful that I can focus on my abilities spiritually and physically, usually I focus on my abilities spiritually because if "I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength I can do the things what I can do that glorifies the Lord.<Philippians 4:13>   

I do focus on my abilities as much as possible physically for the things what I can do and I do it well independently as much as I can. I am taking a bigger step in my relationship with the Lord and because of this I have realized trusting in the Lord is very hard but I believe in no matter what happens is that I can trust in the Lord even when it's hard and I know He will help me. I am not doing all of these things by myself, I am doing this for the Lord.

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