Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Update For First Semester

 At Judson "RISE" Road to Independent, Spiritual & Employment Program my first semester been a bit crazy for me sometimes there maybe ups and downs but in the Program we get to make it through together. I have been doing very well, I also get to be busy that I like. I have grown well independently as I have been doing laundry by myself and I feel so proud how amazing I have been doing. I have been taking my faith seriously wherever I am. I have learned so much from the Lord and for me it never stops. I heard God calling me and I realized if I can do anything I am not doing it by myself, I am doing this for the glory of God. I want to spread the Good News of Jesus and as well by sharing my faith publicly and even though I am not defined by my disability, I am defined by what God says who I really am. During the first semester I have been learning a lot in my classes, for me I can tell you that I am a quick learner. I found out before Christmas break of 2021 that I did really well, exceptional and I have put a lot of effort in my classes and I'm proud about that as I should be. Even I am realizing no more Mom and Dad to be around anymore when I am at Judson on campus I am actually proud about that because I am doing what is right for myself independently and as well I advocate for myself and I get to advocate to spread awareness for Down Syndrome. As I am doing all of these things by myself the Lord is always with me and also during the hard times and I choose to trust in Him and when it gets hard but I believe the Lord will continue to help, to guide me into the correct direction of my life.

I will really appearcite all of your prayers and I believe the Lord has laid something proudly / amazing in my heart / through my life and I get to do everything according to God's will of my life and God is the God that I can depend on and that is where my hope comes from of the Lord and I believe in no matter what happens to me I need to come to the Lord and He will help me and also when it's difficult.


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