Monday, January 24, 2022

Internship "First Day"

 Today I just started my internship. I am employed to Advancement on campus. I have been directed to do what I have been expected to do. On my first day I organized papers from the folders to the boxes. I was flying on the shelf as I got a lot done for an hour. I even have my own desk at the office on campus, there is a computer, a telephone as such things like that. I like to be determined. When I have been organizing papers from the folders into boxes I got about a lot in my hand and I put it in into the boxes. I signed this paper that I had to fill with my signature and my print to sign. I did what I could but I tried to sign my signature with my last name that I always have difficulties with, but I am always trying what I can do. I did sign the paper well by printing it. I always examine what I am expected to do as I am a visional learner by heart. So far I really like it of the start of my first day in the Advancement office. 

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