Sunday, May 7, 2023

Graduated from RISE Program

 Yesterday I had graduated from the RISE Program and now I could not be much more proud of myself. This really has been an amazing experience for me and I learned so many things. I am continuing to be more independent daily as much as I can. I am very blessed what the Lord has for me in my life. I am so thankful that the RISE Program meant so much to me. In many different ways I have grown in areas when I have been learning. I am applying this to a new level in the fall when I'll be in RISE Up. With all of this said God is working in our lives when we can't see and I still believe how faithful God really is.

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Completed RISE & RISE Up

  After six semesters I graduated from my Early Childhood Education major as my concentration. I am officially completed RISE for two years ...